Particularly notorious is the position of the economic elite, which defends positions very much in favor of the free market. In turn, more than half of the population is in favor of the State taking charge of health (55%), education (58%) and pensions (61%), but when Iceland Phone Number List it comes to these issues, elites tend to support mixed models where the state and the market are combined. Immigration Immigration has become a global phenomenon that affects countries in different ways. Some experience increasing immigration pressure, while Iceland Phone Number List others are characterized by waves of emigration.
These migratory flows impact different dimensions of society, such as the labor market, the provision of social services and the sense of belonging. In turn, migratory phenomena tend to be evaluated very differently by the elite and the Iceland Phone Number List citizenry. For example, in Western Europe, elites tend to have quite open stances towards immigration, even when significant segments of the electorate oppose the arrival of Iceland Phone Number List foreign populations. This dynamic has paved the way for the emergence of radical right-wing populist parties,8. In the case of Chile, despite the economic and political problems experienced in recent times, the number of Iceland Phone Number List immigrants has been increasing in recent years.
Official figures indicate that there are approximately 1.5 million immigrants in the country, which represents about 8% of the population.9. By way of comparison, at the beginning of 1990 it is estimated that the immigrant population did Iceland Phone Number List not represent more than 1% of the national population (about 105,000 people). Consequently, immigration is an evident phenomenon in Chile today, but we have little information regarding its evaluation by elites compared to citizens. To thematize this, our study included a series of questions about immigration and the answers reveal markedly different patterns between the opinion of the elite and the citizenry.