Russia (understood as the whole of the state and society) has always felt NATO's expansion to the east as a hostile project. Instead of working for common European security, Western states have expanded the Cold War alliance toward the Russian border motivated by the desire of Eastern European states and the former Soviet Union. There have been no Whatsapp Mobile Number List the Western side not to do this, although there have been a number of verbal promises. In this context, there are two issues to consider and, at the same time, difficult to resolve. The first is that the Alliance is open to applications for membership. Paragraph 10 of the 1949 NATO Treaty states: "The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite to join any European State that is in a position to favor the development of the principles of this
Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area. It is justified to ask whether Ukraine's membership actually contributes to security in Europe. The Whatsapp Mobile Number List second point to bear in mind is that the Lisbon Treaty of Whatsapp Mobile Number List for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) of 1996 and the «Declaration on a common and comprehensive security model for Europe in the 21st century» contained in he, establishes in its point 7: «We reaffirm the inherent right of each and every one of the participating States to their freedom to choose or change their security agreements, including alliance treaties, as they evolve.
Each participating State will respect the rights of all others in this regard. They will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other states." Ukraine raises the point of choosing an alliance, while Russia raises the point of respect for the Whatsapp Mobile Number List rights of others. Ukraine has felt threatened since at least 2014. And Russia sees its security interests threatened in the field of strategic stability, that is, nuclear equality, and is suspicious of new-generation weapons that could give the Prompt Global Strike. This includes supersonic missiles that, due to their high speed, can disable anti-missile systems and nuclear plants. These weapons are being developed by Russia and the United States.