The Market Response survey looked at the importance of Dominican Republic Phone Number List authenticity and a match between existing brand identity and point of view. We selected the two existing brands Marqt and SPAR. If we plot this in our BSR model, the following picture emerges (see Figure 1): two brands that represent almost opposite value patterns and connect with customer groups with somewhat contrasting lifestyles. Red stands for the Dominican Republic Phone Number List progressiveness, curiosity, and the urge for freedom and self-development. Green, on the other hand, feels more comfortable with the Dominican Republic Phone Number List certainty, security, and safety.
The market is a small supermarket the Dominican Republic Phone Number List chain that is mainly active in the larger cities. The supermarket brand aims to positively influence people's consumption behavior by selling sustainable products. On the About Us page, Marqt takes Dominican Republic Phone Number List and activist approach: “The current food system harms our environment and the quality of our food. It has to change, but our system is pretty stuck: only together can we get it moving”. Social mission is woven into Marqt's identity. That the brand is not the Dominican Republic Phone Number List satisfied with the status quo is immediately clear from the first meeting.
SPAR is a Dutch supermarket chain with stores all over the Dominican Republic Phone Number List world. The brand positions itself as the center of the neighborhood and a supermarket where everything can be found. Words such as convenience, cozy, enjoy and friendliness comes to the fore. This is further apart from the character of a brand that wants to bring about a Dominican Republic Phone Number List system change. In May 2021, we divided n=300 respondents into two groups. Group 1 saw the existing brand story of SPAR and group 2 saw the existing brand story of the market. We then showed both groups the same statement, stating that this statement the Dominican Republic Phone Number List came from SPAR/Marqt. In this statement, both supermarkets make a statement about meat consumption.